Choosing to Stay Clean
Recovery does not end with rehab. Giving our veterans the tools they need for the long haul is a vital part of helping them to achieve success.

Just ask Harry K. His addiction was trigged by physical and mental abuse that he suffered at the hands of a family member during his childhood.
“That person made me feel like I was nobody,” he recalls. “I started using drugs because they distracted me from the pain of my childhood. What I didn’t realize is that it would start hurting the ones I loved the most – my family.”
Harry completed Joseph House’s outpatient program and then entered the Ready & Forward Aftercare program.
“I came to Joseph House because I needed help. And I stayed. I was tired and I surrendered. The Joseph House staff helped me so much. I started believing in myself and the staff encouraged me. I realized that staying clean and sober, and talking about my problems to positive individuals, was very beneficial on my journey.”
Harry learned about sustaining sobriety through relapse prevention training, 12-step recovery support and family and friends group therapy. He also prepared for reintegration into the community through resources including relationship counseling, trauma and grief counseling, recreational activity development, anger and stress management, financial planning and assistance with housing and employment.
“I’m so grateful to Joseph House, “Harry shares. “Had I not come to the organization, I might have overdosed or gone to prison for life. I have learned that I don’t have to use to ease my feelings. I deal with them in a much more positive way. And my relationship with my family has improved because of it. I’ve been blessed to have these gifts because I choose to stay clean.”
To learn more about our Ready & Forward Aftercare program, please call (513) 241-2965 ext. 126.